
11890 SW 8th Street. Suite 301. Miami, FL 33184.

Laser Fotona

Facial 4D

The 4D Laser Facial Rejuvenation treatment is an advanced technique that helps reduce wrinkles and improve the overall appearance of the face. Our team Fotona Laser, offers in a single platform the Nd:YAG lasers that reach the deep structures of the skin and the Er:YAG lasers, for the most superficial layers.

The laser allow the contraction of collagen, which produces a stretching (wrinkle reduction) and an increase in tissue volume. All this with minimal downtime and no need for injectables

Benefits and advantages:

  • Fights sagging
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Stimulates collagen remodeling
  • Improves skin texture and tone
  • Regenerate and hydrate, increase the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Fast, safe and simple treatment

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Tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento facial con láser Fotona. Mujer tocando su cara con su mano y un lado aparatología láser.


Is Fotona laser rejuvenating treatment safe?

Fotona laser treatments are safe and do not damage the skin. The team uses a type of laser that only affects the deep layers of the skin, avoiding burns. Even in cases of peeling, the process is controlled and safe. In short, the Fotona laser is a completely safe treatment.

How much time do I need between one session and another?

The length of time between Fotona laser facial rejuvenation treatment sessions will depend on the type of treatment and the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

In general, it is recommended that there is an interval of at least 3-4 weeks between sessions to allow the skin to fully recover after the previous treatment and to avoid any possibility of damage or irritation. However, some treatments may require longer or shorter intervals between sessions.

It is best to follow the recommendations of our physician and Fotona laser specialist to determine the appropriate time interval for your specific treatment.

How many Fotona laser sessions are required for non-surgical facial treatment?

The time per session varies from 15 minutes to two hours, while the number of sessions ranges from 4 to 6, and the frequency depends on the area treated. It is not necessary to use anesthesia.

Is the Fotona laser facial rejuvenation treatment painful?

The cold air provided by the equipment used for laser facial rejuvenation treatment ensures that the therapy is painless.

When will the results be seen after the session?

Some patients may notice immediate changes to their skin such as an improvement in its texture, luminosity, and tone. Additionally, results will continue to improve over time as collagen and elastin production in the skin is stimulated. It is important to note that the results vary depending on the type of skin and the problem being treated.

How long do the results of the Fotona 4D laser treatment last?

Fotona 4D laser treatment can deliver noticeable results to improve the appearance of skin and reduce sagging on the face and neck. If all treatment sessions are completed, these results are long-lasting.

It is important to note that this can vary depending on the patient and the degree of her initial flaccidity. It is recommended to undergo regular maintenance sessions to prolong the results of the treatment.

Before & After Laser Fotona

Antes y después de tratamiento láser Fotona para rejuvenecimiento facial
Antes y después de tratamiento láser Fotona para rejuvenecimiento facial
Antes y después de tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento facial con Láser Fotona
Antes y después de tratamiento láser Fotona para rejuvenecimiento facial
Antes y después de tratamiento láser Fotona para rejuvenecimiento facial
Antes y después de tratamiento de rejuvenecimiento facial con Láser Fotona

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Personalized consultation with Dr. Díaz MD.

11890 SW 8th Street. Suite 301. Miami, FL 33184

Call Now: 786.254.7195