
11890 SW 8th Street. Suite 301. Miami, FL 33184.

Who is the candidate for this type of treatment?

The treatment Platelet Rich Plasma Mesotherapy in Miami is suitable for men and women, and remember does not require any previous preparation, and after this application people immediately return to their social life, without a single scar, mark or redness. The PRP works to mitigates the appearance of wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin, providing luminosity and improving its texture.

Therefore it is recommended from the age of thirty, the age at which the skin begins to lose its regenerative power or simply when the signs of aging are visible. In others words, it can be applied both as a preventive on young skin or as a regenerator on aged skin.

Results to expect?

The PRP Mesotherapy treatment eliminates the signs of skin aging by acting against the process of cellular oxidation, reduces fine wrinkles, retracts the areas that show sagging due to the effect of gravity and reduces skin imperfections, thus improving scars, producing filling effect.

Virtual Mesotherapy in South Miami - Splendor Regenerative Medicine

Tratamiento Mesoterapia con PRP

Where can they be treated?

The PRP is indicated to improve the skin of the facial and cervical region, as well as the neckline and hands.

Sessions necessary?

The protocol with Platelet Rich Plasma is specific for each patient depending on the degree of aging and the characteristics of their skin; Usually the proposal is 3 sessions spaced one month. From the year on, maintenance should be carried out, which will consist of an annual session.

Time and duration of the results?

Growth factors have to act by stimulating tissue; therefore, there is no instant result. Similarly the effects appear as the days go by and increase as they pass. The effect is maximum at 20-30 days after treatment

After the three initial sessions, the result lasts approximately 1 year, at which time a maintenance session will be necessary.

Do you have post-treatment care?

It is very important to use sunscreen before and after starting treatment, in order to reduce the negative effects caused by sun exposure.

Is it possible to combine it with other facial rejuvenation techniques?

Depending on the cases, the treatment can be complemented with several anti-aging alternatives, such as facial fillers with hyaluronic acid and application of cosmetic botulinum toxin.

Can there be complications and is it painful?

In the case of Platelet Rich Plasma, there is no allergic reaction because it is obtained from the patient.
In conclusion Facial mesotherapy is a minimally painful technique. However, to minimize discomfort, a topical anesthetic cream is applied to the patient’s face, after this we have advantages like:

Microneedling Treatment in South Miami - Splendor Regenerative Medicine
Microneedling with PRP

What advantages does it have compared to other treatments?

In conclusion being an anthology treatment, performed with the patient’s own blood, the risks of allergic reactions, infections or disease transmission are reduced.

  • Piel más joven, tersa y firme.
  • Restaura la vitalidad y luminosidad de la piel.
  • Remodela y repara los tejidos.
  • Recupera la elasticidad y suavidad.
  • Atenúa las líneas de expresión y arrugas.
  • Previene la nueva aparición de arrugas.