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Hot Flashes

Hot flushes are a common symptom of menopause that experiences a very high % in women and can explain how an unexpected sensation of heat in the body. Hot flashes usually occur alone, but are often accompanied by night sweats or excessive sweating during the day. Hot flashes and sweats can also go together with nausea, dizziness or a general feeling of discomfort.

There are other sources of hot flashes apart from menopause. For example, men may experience the symptom, but in general, when the term “hot flashes” is used, it refers to the symptoms experienced by women who go through menopause. Hot flashes during menopause are usually felt throughout the body, although most often they affect only the face and neck.

Menopause, hot flashes, hormona replacement therapy, reemplazo hormonal, hrt

This symptom make women feel ‘hot’ with reddening of the skin. They often accompany or contribute as one of the causes of sweating during menopause, being very prominent symptoms, and often occur together. Hot flashes associated with menopause can occur at any time. Some women experience this as the main symptom of menopause, and others navigate it without problems, experiencing hot flashes in their last period. For some, the symptoms usually continue for years beyond the end of menstruation.

However, experience shows that a rapid transition from regular and normal periods to no period may be one of the causes of hot flashes. Hot flashes and sweat from menopause can occur at any time of the day (often at the most uncomfortable or worst possible time).

They can occur as often as several times per hour, which is not good for that silk blouse. In Splendor Regenerative Medicine for a Free consultation you can see a Medical Doctor Ernesto Diaz.

Menopause hot flushes & sweats

During the course of menopause, can be felt throughout the body, and most often affect only the face and neck. Hot flashes make women feel ‘hot’ with reddening of the skin. Hot flashes often accompany or contribute as one of the causes of sweating during menopause.

Since hot flashes and sweating during menopause are such preponderant symptoms that often occur together, many women who go through menopause interchangeably use the terms hot flashes and menopausal sweating.

What we can expect?

Hot flushes associated with the menopause can occur at any time. Some women experience these as the main symptom of menopause. Others sail through the menopause without problems, experiencing hot flushes at the time of their last period. For a few, symptoms can continue for years beyond the end of menstruation.

Experience however does show that a quick transition from regular, normal periods to no periods can be one of the causes of hot flushes becoming more prominent.

Menopause and sweats can happen at any time of the day They can occur as often as several times an hour – not good for that silk blouse.

The number of episodes experienced each day by an average woman varies greatly. Each hot flush can last a few seconds or up to several minutes.Other reasons for getting hot flushes

Although the cause of hot flushes is initially put down to the menopause, there are other reasons why you might experience this symptom. These include:

Reasons for getting hot flushes

  • Dietary
  • Obesity
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Anxiety