
11890 SW 8th Street. Suite 301. Miami, FL 33184.

Cellulitis in Miami

Cellulite is an alteration of the subcutaneous tissue, in which adipose tissue accumulates, forming nodules of fat, water and toxins.

Cellulite develops in the deepest layer of the skin, that is hypodermis. There the adipocytes accumulate, having a purpose of regulating body temperature. From that moment the fat pushes the skin, and generates those small dimples or lumps.

Cellulite is not always related to being overweight, or the fat that accumulates, since it does not imply the appearance of cellulite.

How to avoid cellulite?

It is very common among women, who have some cellulite, being puberty, pregnancy and menopause that are the most likely times to develop it. The treatments to eliminate cellulite are some of the most demanded, in our clinic in South Miami Splendor Regenerative Medicine

Steps to follow to improve the Cellulites

Take care of food: it is important to avoid fats, and increase the intake of diuretic foods, such as green beans, pineapple, melon, grapes or asparagus. The consumption of whole grains is also recommended.

Discard various foods: decreases the consumption of salt, coffee, sugary drinks and alcohols. They are great enemies that favor the appearance of cellulite, along with saturated fats.

Perform physical exercise such as: walking daily, playing sports and especially exercising the legs is very important to prevent it. Avoid tobacco and alcohol. A healthy lifestyle, which includes physical exercise and a balanced diet, are a good combination in addition to the treatments, you can receive, in our clinics with experts.

What types of cellulite exist?

Cellulite are not all the same, since there are different types of cellulite, and some harm more than others, also depending on the way of life that is taken, age and other factors.

• Soft or flaccid cellulite: it is the most common, it stands out for its flaccidity and gelatinous appearance. It is the one that sedentary people have, it is of little consistency and the most difficult to eliminate, without an aesthetic treatment.

• Hard or fibrous cellulite: it is the one that is appreciated because the skin, has that aspect similar to that of the skin of an orange. It is related to circulatory problems, obesity, etc. It can become painful.

• Edematous cellulitis: it usually appears in adolescence and mainly in the legs, where fluid retention causes swelling. This type is the most serious, and is mostly linked to hormonal processes. However, it is the easiest to remove. It affects the thighs and buttocks, is pasty and has knots and with great fluid retention.a mixed, which results from a combination of any of the above.

Treatments to eliminate cellulite

We want to eliminate cellulite, we will have to follow these guidelines, and assess a specific anti-cellulite treatment ,that helps us improve. This treatments to eliminate cellulite, can be an aesthetic doctor, and surgical interventions are never required. In South Miami Splendor Regenerative Medicine, they will advise you on the most appropriate treatments,according to the type of cellulite you suffer.